ACCOR   AC - Euronext Paris       On 09/20/2024 at 18:04
Last quotation :
Change :
-0.10 €
Open :
High :
Low :
Capitalization :
9 937 677 575 €
Change% :
-0.25 %
Close D-1 :
Volume :
3 859 899
Year. Perf. :
+13.84 %
Range since January 1st
43.740 - 31.730

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* Stock market data provided by: Euroinvestor - Technology Partner: Symex
The ACCOR share price and market indices are provided for information only and are not intended for transaction purposes. Prior to any transaction, we would ask you, therefore, to consult your financial intermediary. In the event of any errors, delays or interruptions in the updating of Market prices communicated on this site, ACCOR declines any responsibility.